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Purchase invoices

Every organisation is having a different amount of purchase invoices. Keeping track of them, as well as their payment status is of significant importance.

Thanks to the purchase ledger, you are able to keep track of your purchase invoices in a simple and efficient way.


The system is supporting e-invoices. An e-invoice is a certain type of XML-file that can easily be read (not to confuse with pdf-files). The steps for taking them into use are:

1. Activating the feature for purchase invoices.
2. Making an agreement with an e-invoice operator (a bank or other operator).
3. Tell the address of your e-invoice to your suppliers.

As soon as the feature for incoming e-invoices is activated, they will start to arrive automatically in the system.  A few days after the payment, the payment transaction will appear in the system, and the invoice can be marked as paid. In order for the transaction to arrive automatically, the bank integration is required.

PDF- and paper-invoices

At the same rate as e-invoices are increasing, the amount of PDF - and paper - invoices are in steadily decrease. Regardless, they are still being used.

In order to have a good view of PDF- and paper-invoices, we are recommending uploading them into the system. The invoice will then be stored safely, and the system is regularly performing automatic security copying.

If there are many owners of the company, it is recommended to scan and store the paper invoices in the same way as PDF-files.


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